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Daily marijuana consumption surpasses alcohol consumption in America for the first time

An interesting data has emerged regarding marijuana use in America. According to a study, cannabis use, recorded for the first time in the country, has surpassed alcohol as the drug of choice for people in daily life.

Marijuana is a topic discussed all over the world. While some countries legalize and liberalize the use of cannabis, some countries resort to partial solutions on this issue, and some countries resort to a complete ban. Marijuana use has been legal in various states in America for some time. The sale and consumption of marijuana is now legal in ten states and the District of Columbia.

There has been an interesting development regarding marijuana use in America recently. According to a study, cannabis use, recorded for the first time in the country, has surpassed alcohol as the drug of choice for people in daily life. According to the results of the research including data from 2022, there were 17.7 million people in America who reported using marijuana every day, while the number of people who reported using alcohol at the same frequency was 14.7 million people. The research also revealed that the rate of frequent marijuana users in the country has increased 15-fold in the last three decades.

What do you think could be the reasons for the increase in interest in cannabis in the world? Don't forget to share your opinions with us!


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